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Research Topics in Political Science

année académique

Titulaire(s) du cours

Jean-Benoît PILET (Coordonnateur) et Leonardo Puleo

Crédits ECTS


Langue(s) d'enseignement


Contenu du cours

The course combines conceptual content with the development of research skills. To this end, the course will provide a comprehensive explanation of key Political Science concepts and their practical application in current research. These concepts will be presented, discussed, and analyzed during course sessions. Furthermore, students will enhance their research and writing abilities through active participation in practical sessions and by completing two academic assignments. The course sessions will revolve around the following three essential elements:

  1. Conceptual explanations.
  2. Explanation and exercises on the research process.
  3. Discussion and analysis of recent research.
The course is divided into two groups. Elements 1 (conceptual explanations) and 2 (explanation and exercises on the research process) will be identical across the two course groups. Element 3 (discussion and analysis of relevant research) will focus on one of the following topics: Party Competition in Contemporary Europe:   When,  How,   and   Why   Political   Parties   Alter   Their   Issue Supply   (Group 1), or Polarization in Contemporary Democracies: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies (Group 2).

In regard to Group 1, students will be exposed to four key questions: a) What are the causes of changes in parties’ supply? b) How do we measure parties’ positions and preferences? c) How do parties respond to public opinion? d) How do parties react to their competitors? These questions will be explored through a comprehensive review of cutting-edge research within political science, primarily relying on quantitative methods.  

In regard to Groups 2, students will be exposed to four key questions: 1) What is polarization? 2) What are the causes of polarization? 3) What are the consequences of polarization? And 4) How can polarization be reduced? These questions will be explored through a comprehensive review of cutting-edge research within political science primarily relying on quantitative methods.

The syllabus for each group is available on the UV platform.

The course assignments will consist of the practical application of the three course elements (concepts, research skills, and knowledge on recent academic publications) in relation to the topic of those research groups.

Objectifs (et/ou acquis d'apprentissages spécifiques)

The course aims to foster students’ understanding of key concepts in political science as well as develop their research skills. To achieve these ends, students will learn those concepts by means of seminars; particularly, they will be exposed to key academic papers and be invited to engage in discussions on their contributions to the scientific literature as well as their limitations. In addition, students will develop their research skills by participating in practical sessions and by writing two academic assignments.

At the end of the course, students are expected to achieve the following outcomes:
•    Understand and be able to critically assess key debates in political science.
•    Develop a clear understanding of key concepts in political science.
•    Understand the process of doing research, including how to come up with a research question and propose a novel argument/hypothesis.
•    Be able to find, read and interpret research published in political science journals.
•    Assess the suitability as well as the strengths and limitations of different analytical/methodological techniques.
•    Develop academic writing skills.

Pré-requis et Co-requis

Connaissances et compétences pré-requises ou co-requises

Nothing else than the common requirements for the Master programme to which this course belongs.

Méthodes d'enseignement et activités d'apprentissages

The course counts on the active participation of the students and their preparation of the course material in advance, as well as their timely submission of the assignments and their review. The skills and knowledge gained during this course will be key for understanding the content of other courses and for preparing their final dissertation. 

Students are required to prepare in advance for each class. This means reading the papers/book chapters listed as mandatory readings before each class, additionally students have to draft a short reaction memo (200 words) before each class on articles that will be assigned on weekly basis.  All texts are available on Université Virtuelle (UV). Furthermore, students are required to actively participate in the discussions in class, as well as to submit the assignments by their deadlines. 


Support(s) de cours

  • Université virtuelle

Autres renseignements

Informations complémentaires

Course time: Friday 12.00-14.00

The first session (23 September 8:00-10:00h) will take place in S.R42.4.502 (Auditoire Paul HATRY - batiment R) and will be attended by all the students.

Group 1: Issue Competition in Contemporary Europe: When, How, and Why Political Parties Alter Their Supply

Group instructor: Leonardo Puleo

Contact: Leonardo.Puleo@ulb.be

Classroom: S.AW1.121

Office: Institut d'études européennes

Office Hours : By appointment only

Group 2: Polarization in Contemporary Democracies: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies

Group instructor: Sebastien Rojon

Contact: sebastien.rojon@ulb.be

Classroom:   S.H3242 - Auditoire Aretha FRANKLIN

Office: S10.232

Office Hours :By appointment only

*Students should check before each session the schedule and the room assigned to each group at the following link: https://www.ulb.be/fr/horaires, as last minute  changes of the classroom and/or schedule are possible.

Students registered in this course will learn key concepts in political science as well as develop the skills required for writing a MA thesis. After the first course session (on September 23), students will have 10 days (from September 23 to October 3) to choose one of the two groups indicated above. The research (i.e., the assignments) that they will undertake in the framework of this course will focus on the research topic of the group that they have chosen. Students will not be allowed to switch groups during the semester.

Important: Registration in each group will be realized on a first come, first-served basis. 






Méthode(s) d'évaluation

  • Autre


The course evaluation will rest on attendance and participation, as well as two assignments. See below, for the splitting of the final grade:



Attendance (5%) Reaction Memos (5%) and Participation (10%)



Assignment 1. Literature review



Assignment 2. Introduction to research project



Attendance and Participation

Students are required to attend all sessions. Only one unjustified absence is authorised. If the student is absent for more than one session, a medical certificate is mandatory and must be sent by e-mail to the group instructor. Students are required to prepare in advance for each class. This means reading the papers/book chapters listed as mandatory readings before each class, additionally students have to draft a short reaction memo (200 words) before each class on articles that will be assigned on weekly basis. All texts are available on Université Virtuelle (UV). Furthermore, students are required to actively participate in the discussions in class, as well as to submit the assignments by their deadlines. All texts are available on Université Virtuelle (UV).

 Assignment 1: Research question

The first assignment consists of a literature review of the relevant research done on the topic chosen by the student and the proposal of a research question. Grading will be assigned based on the quality of the literature review and research question. Specifically, students should show a broad understanding of the topic of their choice, as well as the capacity to critically discuss different arguments presented in academic literature, identifying a relevant research gap. Additionally, attention will be paid to the quality of the academic writing and analytical depth of the arguments provided. Articles that have not passed a peer-review process will not be considered as valid references.

Assignment 2: Introduction to research project

The second assignment will consist of an introduction to the research project. This means that students must present a) their research question, emphasizing the gap within the existing literature and the relevance of exploring the question, b) the main argument or hypothesis of their research, mobilizing the relevant literature, and c) a suitable methodology for answering their research question. Students must show that they are aware of key findings within the relevant literature, and that they are able to critically assess this literature, identifying a relevant research gap and proposing a novel argument/hypothesis. Students must also be able to identify an appropriate methodology, i.e., what kind of data will be used and how it will be analysed, and discuss any potential limitations of their proposed research design.  Additionally, attention will be paid to the quality of the academic writing and analytical depth of the arguments provided. Articles that have not passed a peer-review process will not be considered as valid references.


Construction de la note (en ce compris, la pondération des notes partielles)

see above

Langue(s) d'évaluation

  • anglais
