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Multicultural discourses
Titulaire(s) du cours
Laura Marina CALABRESE (Coordonnateur)Crédits ECTS
Langue(s) d'enseignement
Contenu du cours
During the academic year 2023-2024 I will be on sabbatical leave, which means that I won't be on campus. Students will work with the course manual, which comprises all the content of the course, and with a mandatory list of articles that complete the content. There is no written exam but a Reading Guide that you have to fill in. I will be available online during my office hours (Mondays from 13h to 16h) and we will revise the content of the course in one scheduled meeting at the end of the semester.
1) The nature of social concepts
2) The concept of race
3) The concept of culture
4) Changes in identity
5) Defining multiculturalism
6) Managing cultural diversity
7) Focus on France and Belgium
8) Rise and fall of multiculturalism
9) Public speech in a multicultural world
10) Freedom of speech
11) Revision of the course
Objectifs (et/ou acquis d'apprentissages spécifiques)
Learning objectives:
After reading the papers and the course manueal, the students should be able to:
1) Map current controversies about diversity
2) Relate social discourse about diversity with the local context, management policies and history of the country
3) Understand the rationale of intercultural problems and how they are shaped by social discourse
Learning outcomes:
After reading the papers and the course manual, the students should be able to:
1) Identify current controversies around multicultural issues
2) Apply the main concepts seen in class to current controversies
Pré-requis et Co-requis
Connaissances et compétences pré-requises ou co-requises
A B1 level in English is required to follow the course.
Méthodes d'enseignement et activités d'apprentissages
Exceptionnally this year, the students will work with a course manual and there will be no teacher-fronted sessions. I will be available for questions during my office hours.
Références, bibliographie et lectures recommandées
On the Virtual University
Support(s) de cours
- Université virtuelle
Autres renseignements
Méthode(s) d'évaluation
- Travail personnel
Travail personnel
Exceptionnally this year, the students will work with a course manual and there will be no teacher-fronted sessions. I will be available for questions during my office hours.
Construction de la note (en ce compris, la pondération des notes partielles)
Reading Guide: 100% of the grade
Langue(s) d'évaluation
- anglais